Freedom is Self-Definition
An Art Film written and directed by MissMe, produced by the National Film Board of Canada
“Oppression can be definitions. Narrow and stuck.
They injure when imposed, instead of being a reflection of us.
”Man up.”
”Be a proper woman.”
Can a man be his own muse ?Can a lady be her own trophy ?
”…i want her lips, i want her booty…”
Stop telling me that my physical beauty is my best asset
in this society.
Stop trying to convincing me that i can « improve »
my anatomy.
We are viewed as a collection of separate body-parts…
And then we dissect our value in collections of comparisons.
Why do we accept and expect anger
but call your sensitivity ridicule?
Why is my nipple’s presence socially still
more offensive than violence?
Is a woman everything a man isn’t ?
Are boys everything girls can’t be ?
This is not a revolution. We are not new.
I don’t need to change YOU in order to be ME.
Diversity is not the opposite of Unity.
Who defines who ?
Who defines You ?”
— MissMe
Concept: MissMe
Direction: MissMe
Costumes: MissMe
DOP: John Londono
Production: National Film Board of Canada